The Maryland Recycling Network held its 2021 Board of Directors election at the MRN Annual Meeting at 4:30pm on Wednesday, June 23.
MRN members voted to approve a slate of 16 members, five of which are also on the Executive Committee, and represent a broad base of county and municipal government agencies, private businesses and corporations, and private citizens
We are pleased to announce the 2021 – 2022 Board of Directors*:
*Terms run July 1 – June 30
President / Director
Maria Myers
Recycling Manager
Carroll County Department of Public Works, Bureau of Solid Waste
Vice President / Director
Tanya Adams
Recycling Coordinator
Cecil County Recycling
Secretary / Director
Anthony Drury
Recycling Coordinator
Washington County Division of Environmental Management
Treasurer / Director
Phil Bresee
Senior Consultant
MSW Consultants, LLC
Chairperson – To be nominated and elected at first MRN Board meeting after the annual meeting.
Michele Blair
Recycling Coordinator
City of Laurel
Melissa Filiaggi (past president 7/2019-6/2021)
Division Chief, Operations
Maryland Environmental Service
Lisa Kardell
Director, Public Affairs
Waste Management
Jonathan Mann
National Sales Manager
BE Equipment, Inc.
Kitty McIlroy
Project Analyst
Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority
Chaz Miller
Citizen at Large
Former Director, State Program – National Waste & Recycling Association
Directors (continued)
Michelle Minstrell
Principal Consultant
Waste Knowledge
Bruce Norton
Corporate Strategy
Safety and Environmental Sustainability
Charles Reighart
Recycling and Waste Prevention Manager
Baltimore County Bureau of Solid Waste Management
Ford Schumann
Infinity Recycling, Inc.
Bob Stumpff
Citizen at Large
Alan Wilcom
Chief, Recycling Division
Howard County Department of Public Works
Would you like to get involved? Help us build a vibrant recycling economy in Maryland that facilitates business growth, makes recycling economically viable and protects our natural resources. We have several membership options as well as volunteer opportunities. Have a questions? Contact us by email.