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Registration is open for the 2025 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference - 6/9/2025

HomeMembership Options

MRN Membership Categories include:


Make a Difference! Select your preferred Membership Category and Join Today!!
Or Click here to review the Benefits of Membership.

Memberships for Individuals

Citizen Supporter ($25/year) – Open to any Maryland citizen who wants to make a difference by adding your voice and your dollars to help us promote the intelligent use of our natural resources and build a healthy environment for our children.


Individual/Associate ($75 per year) – A membership for those with recycling responsibilities for their business (e.g. facilities managers) who are looking for connections and information to help them succeed in their role.



  • Timely email updates on relevant recycling ideas, activities and upcoming events.
  • Individual member rate at conference, workshops and tours
  • Free Access to MRN’s resource library (in development) & webinars
  • Dues tax deductible as a charitable or business expense
  • Option to upgrade membership to a supporting level of Sustaining Member or Patron

Memberships for Government & Non-Profit Agencies

Government Agency ($175 per year) – A membership that connects recycling professionals working for a county or municipality to a network of peers, suppliers and resources.


Non-Profit Agency ($75 per year) – A membership that connects 501c(3) non-profit agencies with a network of recycling professionals and the MRN leadership to identify and act on shared interests and issues.


Features include all the above and extends member rate at conference, workshops and facility tours for for up to 10 employees.

Membership for Industry Suppliers

Business ($250 per year) – A membership expressly for suppliers to the recycling industry designed to help you better understand the Maryland environment and to connect with your current and prospective customers.

  • Timely Email Updates on relevant recycling ideas, activities upcoming events
  • Member rate at conference, workshops and facility tours for up to 10 employees
  • Free Access to MRN’s resource library (in development) & webinars
  • Dues tax deductible as a charitable or business expense
  • Featured Article/Blog Post
  • Option for exhibiting and sponsorship for key events

Become A Change Agent!

Sustaining Members and Patrons support the profession and the mission through your commitment of dollars that allow MRN to create compelling content and be a resource for those engaged in designing, regulating and supporting the 3Rs in Maryland.


Sustaining ($500 per year) – A membership for individuals and organizations who want to provide a higher level of support and achieve a higher level of visibility in the Maryland recycling community. Receive all the benefits of an organizational (agency/supplier) membership as well as:

  • Listing/ Link on Monthly Email Updates
  • Listing/ Link on Website

Patron ($1,000 per year) – A membership for individuals and organizations who want to provide the highest level of support and achieve an even higher level of visibility in the Maryland recycling community. Receive all the benefits of an organizational (agency/supplier) membership as well as:


Above plus…

  • Listing/ Link on Monthly Email Updates
  • Listing/ Link on Website
  • Featured Member in MRN Website and Newsletter 1x per year

Click your preferred Membership Category to Join Today!
Or Click here to review the Benefits of Membership.


Special Thanks to Our Patron Member

Special Thanks to Our Sustaining Members


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