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2024 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference Recap


MRN Brief: Maryland Paint Stewardship Bill, BOD Slate, Upcoming Webinars and more

Published on 4/8/2024

Maryland-State-House-Flag WSLegislative update: After narrowly missing the final deadline in 2023, the Paint Stewardship bill (HB1 and  SB325) passed both chambers and is finally on its way to the Governor's desk for signature. MRN has supported the legislation over the years, providing recommendations and in-person testimony on both the House and Senate versions. A special thank you to Legislative Committee chair Chaz Miller as well as all committee members for all your hard work on getting this bill through its final stages. 

Stay tuned for more updates as the Maryland General Assembly winds down the 2024 session on April 8. Be sure to visit the Legislative Regulatory page for more information.

MRN issued its slate for the 2024-2025 board of directors. The Slate includes Kitty McIlroy, Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority, returning for a second year as president along with Michele Blair, City of Laurel Office of the City Administrator, and Anthony Drury, Washington County Department of Public Waste, returning as vice president and secretary/treasurer respectfully. The slate also includes nine individuals for a two-year term and one for a one-year term as directors. Read more here.

Upcoming webinars on Recycling Behavior and Market Trends: Join us on 4/25 @ 12 p.m. ET for a FREE webinar for a look at Recycling Behavior Inside the Home. Hear from representatives of The Recycling Partnership’s Center for Sustainable Behavior & Impact who will share key insights on the everyday dynamics of household recycling. Learn how recyclable materials flow through the house, how this flow affects the action to recycle, and ask the question ... "is the “twin the bin” the answer?" Sign up today!

Then on May 15, join us for Markets Madness: Materials Stats, Trends and Economic Analysis as Chaz Miller, renowned sage of recycling and CEO of Chaz Miller Associates along with Dr. Daraius Irani, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research and Chief Economist, Regional Economic Studies Institute at Towson University share the latest recycling markets stats, trends and economic analysis for our region. Sign up today.

SWANA Mid-Atlantic's 2024 Mid-Atlantic Regional Road E-O is scheduled for 5/9 - 10, 2024 in Ridgely, MD. The SWANA ROAD-E-O provides operators of solid waste collection and landfill equipment an opportunity to showcase their skills. It is an opportunity for operators to not only compete with other operators, but to provide them an opportunity to network with operators in the region from other companies or entities. Learn more here.

Don't forget to register for the 2024 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference scheduled for Tuesday, June 10 at Turf Valley Conference Center in Ellicott City, MD. The Program is set ... the Exhibit hall is full. Register today!

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