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2024 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference Recap


Maryland 2024 Legislation Update – What You Need to Know

Published on 2/6/2024

Maryland-State-House-Flag WSThe Maryland General Assembly 2024 “sausage-making” fiesta is on and there are a number of bills that have the potential to alter the operating menu for Maryland’s recycling professionals. Under the leadership of Committee Chairs Chaz Miller and Vice President Michele Blair, MRN’s legislative committee has been reviewing the latest offerings to determine which we should support or oppose. Here’s this week’s rundown:

Paint Stewardship (HB1 and SB325)
Virtually identical to last year’s paint stewardship bills, which passed both houses but did not make it through the chaotic rush to adjournment at midnight on April 10, we’re hoping this year's bill makes it to the Governor’s desk.

MRN Position: Support
Testimony: Written and oral testimony have been prepared and Chaz Miller will testify at the Senate and House hearings (Feb 6 and Feb 7 respectively). Read the written testimony here. *View Miller's in-person testimony on SB325 and HB1

Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction - Grants, Fund, and Surcharge (HB163 and SB56)
These bills offer grants for composting and compost use, food waste prevention, and food rescue projects. Our initial review suggests the legislation raises far too many questions for MRN to take a position one way or the other.

MRN Position: To be determined
Testimony: None thus far. Questions have been submitted to the House staff and Chaz Miller will attend the Senate hearing on Feb 6. The House hearing originally scheduled for Feb 7 has been canceled.

Plastic Products - Postconsumer Recycled Content Program (HB168)
This bill establishes minimum post-consumer recycled content percentage requirements for certain products. This is an updated version of the legislation drafted in 2023.

MRN Position: Support with amendments
Testimony: Written and oral testimony have been prepared and Chaz Miller will testify at the House hearing on Feb 7. Read the written testimony here. *View Miller's in-person testimony.

State Buildings and State Highways - Collection of Yard Waste (HB173)
This bill requires the collection of yard waste on the grounds of a State building or a State highway in a container that will not be discarded with the yard waste or in one that is compostable.

MRN Position:
Support with amendments
Testimony: Written and oral testimony have been prepared and Chaz Miller will testify at the House hearing on Feb 7. Read the written testimony here.

Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program - Establishment (HB0830 and SB0686)

Drafted by MRN President Kitty McIlroy and MRN’s Legislative Committee, this bill revises Maryland’s existing Statewide Electronics Recycling Program (SERP) (enacted in 2005, amended in 2007), by enacting a system for reuse, refurbishment and recycling of covered electronic devices (CEDs) by incorporating consumer fees/advanced recovery fees. The bill has both House and Senate sponsors.

MRN Position: Support
Testimony: To be determined.

We are reviewing but have not yet taken a position on the following bills:

We anticipate both a Labelling and Mattress EPR bill before the close of this year’s session. Keep an eye on your inbox and our Legislative page for updates.

*updated 2/8

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