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Registration is open for the 2025 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference - 6/9/2025

HomeEventsUnique Public-Private Partnership to Modernize Baltimore’s Recycling Collection and Infrastructure

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Unique Public-Private Partnership to Modernize Baltimore’s Recycling Collection and Infrastructure

About this event

Please join us at Noon on Tuesday, March 29 to hear the latest about a unique public-private partnership to modernize Baltimore’s recycling collection and infrastructure. Kristyn Oldendorf, Chief, Office of Support Services for the Baltimore City Department of Public Works will provide an update on the groundbreaking collaboration brought together by The Recycling Partnership, with American Beverage’s Every Bottle Back initiative, Closed Loop Partners, Dow, the Baltimore Civic Fund, and Rehrig Pacific designed to greatly expand Baltimore residents’ access to safe, effective recycling and improved collection infrastructure.

Launched in June of 2021, this program provides Baltimore City residents with a free recycling cart following one of the key recommendations in the city’s Less Waste, Better Baltimore Plan, which has identified options for improving solid waste diversion, recycling, and disposal in the city. Previously, Baltimore households who participated in the city’s weekly recycling collections had to provide their own carts.

Kristyn will share the implementation steps taken along with adjustments made along the way to fine-tune the program. She will be joined by the Baltimore City Chief of Grants Management, Ann Haskins Brookover who will speak to grant opportunities available and how to access them, and the city’s Director of Special Projects, Andrew Aleshire who will talk about some of the logistical details of working with the vendor on distribution. Click here to sign up today and get the full story!

Date and Time

Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM



Registration Info

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