MRN Advocacy
The 2025
Maryland General Assembly will convene January 8 - April 7, 2025. Stay tuned for updates on our legislative efforts and more.
*See Current Legislation for descriptions of bills we are following as well as statements and actions where applicable.
1/14/2025 Update: The Maryland General Assembly convened last week and a number of relevant bills have begun to pop up on the MRN Legislative Committee’s radar screen. Here's a brief update.
Committees we are currently working with:
Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Commission (established in 2024 under SB0532): The Commission has approved and submitted the Interim Report for the Governor's review (due December 1, 2024) outlining the progress of the Commission and Subcommittees thus far. The final report is due on or before December 1, 2025. In the report the Commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly.
Tire Recycling Law Workgroup: MRN has hosted three Tire Workgroup Meetings (November, December and January) with the next one scheduled for late January or early February. At the most recent meeting, Delegate Boyce shared the latest version of her bill (
HB0083), MDE's Bradley Baker provided an update on his conversation with Virginia tire regulators regarding their program and its potential applicability to MD, and Redmond (Red) Clark, PhD, President, (Asphalt Plus, LLC) presented options for using scrap tire rubber in asphalt manufacturing.
EPR Needs Assessment (established in 2023 under SB0222): The EPR Advisory Council voted on December 5, 2024, in favor of continued development of EPR recommendations after delivery of the Recycling Needs Assessment in January 2025. The committee will develop EPR recommendations for proposed legislation in 2026. The vote was 11-4. The original motion was to support legislation in 2025.
If you have any comments or questions in the meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to contact us by reply by email or at (443) 741-8740.