Opening General Session: The Heat is On! Batteries in the Waste Stream – A close look at effective methods to keep batteries out of the waste stream and manage the consequences when they do get in.
Concurrent Sessions
- Legislative/Regulatory Update – EPR, E-Cycling and more…Here we go! -
(Slide Deck)
- Andrew G. Vetter, Esq., Senior Attorney, Schwartz, Metz, Wise and Kauffman, P.A.
- Bradley Baker, MBA, PMP, Program Manager, Resource Management Program, Land and Materials Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment
- Methane Measurement & Reduction Strategies
- Effective Measurement Technologies
- Strategies for Measuring and Reducing Emissions to Comply with Current and Potential Future Regulations - (Slide Deck)
Concurrent Sessions
- Education & Outreach: Behavior Change Programs that Work
- PFAS Compliance Sampling Panel
- John Agnoli, Environmental Section Chief, Maryland Environmental Service - (Slide Deck)
- Lindsay Boone, M.Sc., Technical Specialist, Pace Labs - (Slide Deck)
- Andrew Grenzer, Chief, Solid Waste Operations, Land & Materials Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment - (Slide Deck)
- Moderator:David B. Farrington, P.G., Principal Geologist, ARM Group LLC
General Session: What's New & What It Means for You! – A fast-paced presentation of innovative programs/procedures/technologies that reflect the leading edge in recycling and solid waste management. - Peter Houstle, Executive Director, MRN & Michelle Minstrell, Principal Consultant, Waste Knowledge - (Slide Deck)
Concurrent Sessions
- Hazardous and Hard to Recycle: The Two H’s We Hate but Handle Anyway
- PFAS Treatment Technologies
- Jonathan B. Meyers, PE, BCEE, Senior Technical Engineer, LaBella Associates - (Slide Deck)
- Laura Jo Oakes, P.E., BCEE, Project Manager/Engineer, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC and
Michael Hertz, Vice President, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC- (Slide Deck)
Concurrent Sessions
- EPA Grants in Action: Infrastructure and Education
- Transfer Station: Maximizing Throughput while Emphasizing Safety
Closing General Session: Food Waste Collection – You Can Too! A panel discussion featuring three Maryland counties/municipalities regarding the design and implementation of their food waste collection programs.
- Jessica Moore, Recycling Section Manager, Prince George's County Department of the Environment - (Slide Deck)
- Nick Rodricks, Bureau Chief, Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation - (Slide Deck)
- Jenny Willoughby, BCMA, TRAQ, CC-P, Sustainability Manager, City of Frederick - (Slide Deck)
- Moderator: Joshua Gliptis, Operations Division Chief, Environmental Services, Howard County