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MRN Committee Members Testify on Lithium-Ion Battery Safety and Electronics Recycling

Published on 3/1/2024

Maryland-State-House-Flag WS

Our Legislative Committee continues to testify on proposed legislation relevant to the recycling industry. Here’s an update of the most recent testimonies as well as links to the recordings and MRN position statements.

Environment - Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program – Establishment SB686 / HB830. MRN President Kitty McIlroy testified in front of the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee on Tuesday, February 20, in support of SB686. McIlroy also provided testimony on Wednesday, February 21, during the House Environment and Transportation Committee Hearing on House version HB830.

In both testimonies, McIlroy stressed the importance of instituting a sustainable program that will help keep e-cycling waste out of local landfills. The bill will also take the current financial burden off local governments, grow local jobs, and increase domestic supply of rare earth minerals and precious metals for the auto, jewelry, and electronics industries. Read full statements on both bills here and here.

Note: McIlroy has been actively advocating for electronics recycling, crafting draft legislation to improve electronics recycling in Maryland. On July 26, 2023, McIlroy testified before the US Senate in support of a nationwide effort to do the same. Read more.

Commission to Advance Lithium-Ion Battery Safety In Maryland SB532 / HB468. Legislative Committee chair Chaz Miller testified in front of the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee on Thursday, February 22, in support of SB532 emphasizing the dangers that lithium-ion batteries pose to recycling and waste facilities, as well as collection trucks, when placed in recycling and/or trash bins. The bill would convene a task force to investigate the issue and recommend steps including increased public education as well as established protocols to combat the dangers of fire. Read full statement.

Kitty McIlroy also provided testimony on the House version HB468 during the House Economic Matters Hearing on Thursday, February 29, citing the same concerns. Read full statement.

Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program HB735 / SB642. On Wednesday, February 28, Chaz Miller offered an informational testimony on HB735 during the House Environment and Transportation Hearing recommending that no legislative action be taken until the Statewide Recycling Needs Assessment required by SB222 (passed in 2023) is completed. Miller noted that the Needs Assessment will provide a complete picture of Maryland’s recycling and waste infrastructure and tell us what problems we need to resolve to have recycling legislation that meets Maryland’s needs. Miller also testified on the Senate version SB642 on Tuesday, March 5*. Read full statement.

Kitty McIlroy will also be back in Annapolis on Wednesday, March 6, when she testifies in support (with suggested amendments) on HB1355 Environment - Office of Recycling - Mattress Stewardship Program - Establishment. Read full statement. (Update 3/11*: View testimony)

Visit our Legislative & Regulatory page for updates and MRN positions on relevant legislation. 

*updated 3/11/24

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