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Myths and Facts Surrounding Textile Recycling
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About this event
Some believe…
- "Most clothing does not go in the trash, it goes to charity."
- "Nobody wants my old clothing and my unwearable items will just get thrown away anyway."
In fact…
- The world produces 92 million tons of textile waste each year and most clothes end up in the trash.
- The average US resident discards over 115 pounds of textiles each year and 85% of these clothes end up in the trash when most could be reused or recycled.
- Textiles are the fastest growing waste stream by far, currently accounting for 6% of landfill space.
- Global clothing production doubled between 2000 and 2015 due to an increased demand for cheap clothing and on average we own 60% more clothes than we did 15 years ago.
Sound familiar? Want to learn and do more?
Then, please join us at
Noon on Thursday, July 25 to hear
Helpsy Chief of Staff Lisa Sciannella set the record straight on the problem that is textile waste. She’ll dispel common misconceptions about used clothing and showcase solutions in action Helpsy has developed in partnerships with Baltimore County, City of Baltimore, Frederick County and Montgomery County to continue to divert textiles from Maryland's waste stream.
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