Foam Recycling Grant for up to $50k available: The Foam Recycling Coalition has opened the 2023 application period, now through April 25, 2023, for public and private entities seeking to start or improve foam polystyrene recovery in their recycling programs. Eligible entities must engage in operating a material recovery facility, manage residential curbside recycling programs, or manage a drop-off or convenience site recycling program. Previous grant awardees have used FRC funding to purchase equipment, including collection bins and foam densifiers, that aid in the efficient collection and on-site material preparation prior to shipping. No cash match is required. However, additional costs by the grantee may be incurred for related items, such as site preparation, electrical infrastructure, freight, etc. Learn more and/or apply for a grant here.
2023 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Conference (6/12) program is up: Want to see what's on tap for this year's conference? The preliminary program is now
online. Stay tuned for more details on the program plus several day-after (i.e., 6/13) activities.
p.s. Vendors: Reserve your exhibit space today (see who's already on the list here).